Breaks Explained

What is a Break?

A “Break” is the opening and distribution of cards from a pack, box, set, or assortment of cards. At Legacy Cardz, we specialize in vintage breaks of either classic sets or assortments of higher end graded cards.

Set Breaks

Set Breaks allow participants to purchase one or more spots at a pre-determined price. The number of spots available will generally correlate with the number of cards in the set. Each card will be assigned its number from the set for purposes of the break.

Graded Card Breaks

Graded Card Breaks are similar to Set Breaks, except the number of available spots is determined by the number of cards being included in the break. Each graded card will be assigned a number beforehand for purposes of the break.

How Do Our Breaks Work?

Once a break is announced, spots will be available for purchase until they are sold out. When someone purchases a spot, their number is locked in based on the order of purchase. Each break may have a limit on spots that can be purchased by an individual.

Once the break is sold out, a date and time will be chosen to determine the results. A randomizer will be used to assign each spot purchased to a card number and the person owning that spot will receive that card.

Let's take a 1954 Topps Set Break as an example. Joe purchased 3 spots after 4 spots were already sold, so he would be assigned spots 5, 6 and 7. When the randomization is done, Joe's spots are assigned card numbers 12, 47, and 250. This means he would receive Del Crandall, Ellis Kinder and Ted Williams.

Why Vintage Breaks?

Vintage Breaks are a great way to guarantee yourself a historic card from a classic set. At the same time, breaks provide you an affordable opportunity to add a dream card to your collection!

At the same time, breaks are fun. Knowing a chance exists for one or more big hits generates excitement. Just like opening packs when we were kids!